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Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez is not only a great romantic comedy, but it’s also a great choice for your book club! Find out why.

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Why Choose Just for Summer for Your Next Book Club Read?

I personally like it when a romance book has a lot more going on than just the romance. I want to know what each character is struggling with both inside and outside of the relationship that may impact whether or not this couple is going to make it.

And Abby Jimenez definitely delivers in Just for the Summer. This book is not afraid to explore some seriously heavy and tough issues while also managing to make you laugh out loud.

If your book club is looking for a fun book to read this summer that will also give you a lot to discuss, then I would seriously consider choosing this book.

Read my full review of Just for the Summer here.

Just for Summer Book Questions

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20+ Just for the Summer Book Club Discussion Questions

IMPORTANT NOTE: These book club discussion questions assume you have read the book, and therefore, they DO INCLUDE SPOILERS. Proceed with caution.

Emma and Justin

  • When the book opens, Emma and Justin have the same dilemma. Now that you know more about them, why do you think their previous relationships didn’t work out? And why did it work for Justin and Emma?
  • Justin and Emma are both in difficult situations because of their mothers. Compare and contrast their mothers. How are they similar? How are they different?
  • Did Emma do the right thing when she broke up with Justin and left town? Was it necessary that she started to work on herself with him?
  • Justin seemed very confident about not getting back together with Emma. Why do you think he changed his mind?


  • Why was it so hard for Emma to stay in one place and put down roots? What was she afraid of?
  • Why was Emma most comfortable being on the move?
  • Emma seemed to have an amazing ability to empathize with others and give them wise advice. Why couldn’t she do this with herself?
  • Why does it take for Emma to get really sick for Justin and Emma to get close and vulnerable with each other? Why was this type of situation necessary?
  • What does it mean for Emma to get small? What causes this reaction? In Chapter 39 (p. 328 of the hardcover book), Maddy tells Justin what to do and what not to do when this happens. Why is this important advice?
  • Now that you know more about Amber and who she is? What do you think her core issue is? Why did she keep Emma from her family?
  • Why was the revelation of Amber’s family the thing that broke her?
  • Why was it important for Emma to go “no contact” with her mom? (Ch. 45, p. 379 of the hardcover)
  • Why was it also important for Emma to forgive her mom?


  • The book opens with a Reddit post in the AmItheAsshole subreddit. In Justin’s account of the story, who is the asshole? Justin or Brad?
  • Should Justin change the name of his dog?
  • Why is Justin exactly the kind of person Emma needs?
  • Justin is good at cracking jokes even in some of the most difficult moments. Why is this important? How does this help Emma?
  • Why is Justin so hesitant to kiss Emma or have casual sex with her? What is he afraid of?
  • Justin gets thrown into a difficult situation when he has to take over as his siblings’ guardian when his mom goes to prison. Was he really the best person for this role? Is there anyone else who could have taken on this responsibility?
  • Read Justin’s description of love at the top of p. 392 in the hardcover (Ch. 46) that starts with the paragraph that begins with, “I’d realized something after being with her . . . .” Do you agree or disagree with his description of love? Why or why not?

Other Characters and Places

  • Should Emma have warned Neil about her mom’s mental health issues? Do you think she made the right decision not to tell him? Why or why not?
  • Why is Neil okay, even smiling, when his house burns down?
  • Why did the friendship between Emma and Maddy work? Why did Emma trust her when she didn’t trust anyone else?
  • Why did Maddy stick by Emma and show up for her even when she disagreed with her?
  • How did the rental house on the island drive and complicate the story? Was the rental house on the island symbolic of something?

The best kind of love doesn’t happen on moonlit walks and romantic vacations. It happens between the folds of everyday life. It’s not grand gestures that show how you feel, it’s the all the little secret things you do to make her life better that you never tell her about.

Just for Summer

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